
Dogma — a Sinful Game by New Making Studio

Created by Cardinals of New Making Studio

a game of bluff and deception between sinful cardinals in a top quality package

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dogma is real! First backers got their copy of the game! (55 of you still didn't provide address)
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 04:30:50 AM

All prayers were answered! All sins shall be cleansed!

First units found their backers around the world! 

(About 40 packages (and counting) are confirmed to be ready for pickup)

Strangely enough, Spain post broke the record and became the fastest. Only 6 days from China to Seville. We got pictures and the game looks amazing😍

If you received the package as well, we would appreciate if you took a couple pictures and sent our way ([email protected] or hit us up on insta at @newmakingstudio_games)

465 packages are out!

We just sent out the second wave of shipments. As of now, 465/533 packages total are out.

Check your email. There should be a track number in your inbox.

Did you take our survey? Did you pay for shipping?

If there is nothing, that means you haven't taken our survey, provided address and paid for shipping. Please do that now, go to the link

Also 7 of you got errors while charging cards for shipping. Please take a look at the transaction and speak with the bank. 

Possible issues:

  1. It might get flagged as suspicious 
  2. you simply didn't have enough funds at the moment of charge. 

(Resolving it would trigger auto-recharge)

Anyway it's been a long journey and we are insanely proud and excited for you to play our first Kickstarter project.

Hopefully you will possess less sins coming out of the game than you had going in (don't believe anyone telling you otherwise)

PS. We were just pointed out that there is a small but annoying typo in Holy Books in the word Generosity. Please forgive us for the mistake. There were 5 pairs of eyes looking over every component and somehow we still missed it. For we all stumble in many ways.

CATHARSIS! We started shipping! BUT 75 of you haven't provided address yet! Do it now🙏!
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 04:57:06 PM

Our fellow cardinals! Put on your scarlet attire!

We wanted to say this so bad since January! And now is the time.

📦We finally shipped first 256 orders out! Can I get a Hallelujah in the chat?

Check your email inbox. We've sent out the links and tracking numbers to you. You can see how your Dogma is coming to you right now.

181 more orders are in the packaging state. Next wave of deliveries will take place around July, 3rd-5th.

Why so long till the next batch? We have to wait until the funds for shipping are finally released from Backerkit, passed Stripe, gone to our account and received by the shipping company (the whole process of moving money is slow and tedious tbh).

If you completed the survey and successfully paid for shipping, you are good to go. If you aren't in the first batch, stay patient, and prosperity won't take long to come. 

⛔️However, there are 7 cards that got declined while charging. Please take a look at your transaction history. 

  1. It might be flagged as potential fraud by your bank
  2. not enough funds
  3. wrong/expired card in general

As soon as you fix the problem, it will be re-charged automatically. You can change the payment method in your backerkit profile (they were supposed to send you an email about the issue, so you can find in in your inbox. 

If you are unsure if it's your case at all, check DMs here on Kickstarter. We reached out to every one of you whose situation needs your attention. We are here for you!


❗️ 75 backers still haven't gone to to complete the survey, provide the address and pay for the shipping.

We can't ship the game to you until you go to, fill out the form and pay for the delivery.

Please do that asap, so we can put you on the second ship. 


Soon all your sins could be cleansed. But you must confess your shipping address to us first and put a gold coin into the box. We don't want to hold on to your copy of the game longer than we already have. It is yours to take!

Are you excited to play Dogma as much as we are to see you unbox it?

Quick reminder to take the survey and provide shipping info
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 05:33:09 AM

77% of you have successfully completed the survey!

Special thanks to all of you who oh-so generously blessed us with the tip. Your rubies will go to the good deeds (firstly we will use it to renovate the accommodation by gilding the furniture and chandeliers with a new coat of gold leaf. That is the priority. After that we'll see).

However, 23% of you are still yet to complete the survey and provide the shipping address. Please do that as soon as possible so we don't keep you waiting for your copy of Dogma a second longer than we have to.


We are going to lock the current orders and charge the cards today. We won't wait till all of you have gone back to us and start shipping out what we can asap.

Also it was great to read the responses you gave us on the survey. 

One person suggested to put my Pope outfit out as an add-on for purchase.

I won't ask what use-case for heaven's sake he needs it for...but if the robe wasn't specifically made for us in a single unit we might start selling it as well and become a very niche clothing brand. 

Pledge Manager is up, Pre-order page is up! Prayers are heard!
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 06:59:00 PM


We have been waiting for too long. Today we take action!

Pledge Manager is up. E-mails have been sent out to each and every one of you. Please check your inbox.

Once you have completed the survey, we'll lock the info and proceed to ship the game out (since it's already 100% done).

If you missed the campaign, there is a pre-order page where we take new orders now. Feel free to use the link.

Hopefully there will be no unexpected troubles and we'll flawlessly cruise into the shipping  stage in a week or so.

Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Print is done, pledge manager is set to open tomorrow!
4 months ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 05:33:59 AM

White smoke [test] is emerging out of our Pledge Manager into your inbox!

We finally won our fight with BackerKit interface (the support was very human and friendly but the website itself was kinda confusing).

It went through a review and got released.

We just started a so called smoke test by sending a link to Pledge Manager to 5% of you (Some of you have already completed it).

If no errors occur during the test in the first 24 hours, we'll open the Pledge Manager to all the backers tomorrow.

By the way, the print of the game is completed. All games are nicely stacked in the warehouse waiting to ship out.

Well give you a week to complete the survey and pay for the shipping.

Once we lock in your payments and info, the shipping process starts immediately.

Well make another update right after the wide release of the Pledge Manager so you won't miss it!

...Renew your strength in hopes of Pledge manager.

...Soar your wings like eagles.

...Complete the survey and not be faint!