
Dogma — a Sinful Game by New Making Studio

Created by Cardinals of New Making Studio

a game of bluff and deception between sinful cardinals in a top quality package

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The LONG WAIT IS ALMOST OVER (production ends June, 5th)
4 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 06:53:03 PM

Be strong and take heart!

The time has almost come.

We just received word from our factory. They claim to finish mass production by June, 5th.

They already made all the components. The only thing left to make is the box itself.

The production team shared some photos with us. We want you to experience the beauty of it with us.

Dogma has become even more over the top than it was during the campaign. Just look at the majestic linen texture on both side of all of the cards! 

The box itself is now 5 mm taller to fit all the components (including spare Dogmas deck). 

We also made a beautiful sleeve for the box but still awaiting for the final pictures of it. It's going to look absolutely stunning.

Can't wait for you to see, feel and admire the game in all its glory.

Pledge manager will be up in the next couple days. Sorry again for delaying it, the interface of BackerKit is otherworldly (and not in a good way).

We'll give you about a week to complete the survey and pay for the shipping (each of you will receive the link as well as an update with the link for everyone).

Then the packages will quickly start flying out to all the corners of Earth (hopefully).

For everything that was written in the past (in previous updates) was written to teach us, so that through the endurance we might have hope.

Dogma is coming in May (hopefully)
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 10:54:27 AM

My fellow cardinals!

I've come with good news today.
Dogma is coming!

We have successfully paid for and transferred all the files to the factory.
The production has been started.
It's expected to take 30 days to complete.

The brass seals and wax candles are being made in a different facility, almost done and scheduled to be delivered to the main factory next week.

After the game is finished we'll start shipping as soon as we can.

We hope to start shipping in May as scheduled.

However we have too much experience to be foolish enough to not expect any bumps and setbacks on the road (apparently not enough experience to eliminate it though).
We'll keep you posted if any delay happens but let's all pray the production goes smoothly.

We are very happy to see the game coming along and can't wait to see the final result with you!

But before we are able to ship it to you we have to ask for your current addresses and collect the shipping costs. We'll do it later this month.

We have promised to keep the prices the same as we noted on the Kickstarter page and we will do so covering any increases in the cost that we may face from the shipping company.

Pledge manager is coming.

The next post will have the link and all the instructions for you.
We'll have to bring you to a third party service that collects funds for the shipping for Kickstarter projects since Kickstarter itself doesn't seem to provide that feature.

Thanks for being here with us.
Let's have the sin of impatience be forgiven for all of us!

What we've been working on (RULEBOOK download link inside)
7 months ago – Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 07:47:29 PM

Greetings, our brothers and sisters! 

It's been a minute since our last update. We are sorry about that.
We didn't want to bother you with notifications without a good reason for it but went a little too far with this and left you in the dark about the current status of the game for too long.


What has been going on for past 2 months? 
We've been busy finalizing materials for the print and waiting until Chinese New Year is over (they really partied harder than usual this year).

Also we've made some minor changes to the design of Dogma.

1. In the beginning was the Word (synonym)

During our playtests we noticed a design flaw. When players are holding a lot of cards they see only a small corner of each card. 
Since our cards are named with sins and virtues, sometimes words happen to start with the same letter. 
And when you can only since one letter, it might be hard to figure out which sin you actually got without spreading it wider and looking at the picture/entire word.

For example, letter H:

  • Humility,
  • Honesty.

Letter B:

  • Bribery
  • Bestiality
  • Bravery
  • Benevolence

These are hard to distinguish quickly.

It seems obvious since regular playing cards make sure to have all different numbers and letters. If you see A it stands for Ace and only Ace. But for some reason we haven't thought about it until now.

So we decided to come up with new words for some of our sins and virtues.

We only kept the same letters if it's a pair between Vice and Virtue (like Deception and Diligence). One D will be green and another will be red. There is a clear distinction.

However, among sins and virtues separately we made sure to have all different letters/

Honesty ———> Sincerity
Benevolence ———> Mercy
Bribery ———> Corruption

2. Ugly old H was cast into the lake of fire.

That one had been driving us insane since the beginning of Dogma. The font we used had a hideous design of a capital letter H.

We tried not to look at it.
We tried to forgive and forget. 
But it just kept coming back in our nightmares.

Finally, we redesigned it.
Gone the disgusting abomination of a littera!
Behold the beauty of the new and slick H!

3. Garden of Eden has grown around each capital letter.

As you probably noticed in previous picture, we also reworked the leaves surrounding capital letters. It's custom for every letter on every card. Our designer Yulya spent way too much time on those leaves so please keep her in your prayers.


We wanted to share something cool to show you that the work is being done and we are getting closer to the start of production.

Here is the freshly completed RULEBOOK in English.
Feel free to download and check it out. (gdrive)

We'll turn it in to the factory in 2 days. if you happened to brush through the text and found any typos or weird mistakes, please hit us in messages or via email [email protected]

1 of 8 pages in the rulebook you can download via the link above

We appreciate your support and patience immensely.
As soon as we have the production dates from the factory we'll share it with you.

And let us not grow weary of preparing files for the print, for in due season we will reap the game and send it to all of you.

PS. Pledge manager is coming soon.

Your Holiness, campaign is over, and with your blessing we have reached $13k! Insane result!
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 12:37:27 PM



It's officially, legitimately, entirely insane how our first ever Kickstarter project turned out!

Every creator thanks their backers afterwards and I won't invent any new words for it. 

But I just want you to know that it means everything when your vision travels the world and reaches people you never knew, draws them to your thing and makes them invest their interest let alone hard earned money in it.

Usually we have to find an audience first, then start a pre-order and stuff.

But it was different on Kickstarter, where it's still the way it was intended - the idea comes first and finds the audience.

We welcome everyone to our community. It's not large but, you know, the all-powerful Conclave doesn't have to be big to rule the world, right?

⏳Now the waiting begins.

We will do our best to quickly turn it around.

However since it's our first Kickstarter, there are some areas where you have to bear with us while we are still figuring it out.

🪛The game is almost ready for print.

We are adding final touches to the rulebook (to cover some of your questions) and adjusting the box to make sure all components fit inside.

The factory is awaiting our signal (and has been for 2 years by now😀).

The shipping provider is ready as well. We strongly believe that the shipping prices we put in our page will stay the same.

So we should be fine!👌

🌱New Making Studio has big plans to have many more campaigns on Kickstarter for our upcoming games and English localization for the games that are already proven hits in our community (like Medieval Suffering).

So keep an eye on us to not miss the next chapter in our story.

🍒For now, we'll take a second to celebrate, cool down and drink our cherry diet coke, then we'll jump right into the business.

🙏Stay safe, your Holiness! We need you!😉

ONLY 24 hours left! Over $12k is collected!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 02:06:39 PM

Hi! We can not hold our excitement any longer. Our first Kickstarter campaign is going to an end. And it's been a crazy journey. Only 24 hours remaining to back Dogma if you'd like a copy.

Somehow we made over $12k and we consider it a mind-blowing success! So many people just showed up cause they like what we are doing here and the feeling is unbelievable!

Keep it up, let's see how far we can push it during the last 24 hours!

Btw have you seen our teaser for the game? The trailer is here, on Kickstarter but we also shot a teaser title reveal announcement kind of video.

It was really fun to shoot and we like how it turned out. We took inspiration from Disco Elysium, Max Payne 3, The Young Pope and (old but cool) music video called Burn my shadow by UNKLE. 

I'm not sure the influence of any of this can be picked up but that's what was boiling and mixing in my head when I came up with the idea for this teaser. Anyway, enjoy the clip!